Friday, February 12, 2010

Post Office Debacle

When I asked Mike last week if he wanted me to send him anything, he said socks. Not very romantic, but hey, if that's what he wants, then that's what he gets. Then I slowly started to get other requests for snacks, candy, and other random little goodies.

I ran around and collected everything from his wish list, but it wasn't until today that I finally made it to the post office. I do not enjoy going to the post office. It's hot, has long lines, and I can never fill out the right customs form. For good luck, I did my hair (a rarity these days) before I went. I always feel like a good day is guaranteed when my hair is done.

My lucky charm did not work.

At one point I was on my hands and knees trying to put together priority flat rate boxes, snacks and candy scattered all around me, and a screaming baby that I'm trying to entertain and pacify with whatever I have in my purse (lip gloss, baby spoon, cell phone, keys). All the while I can't stop giggling because I'm picturing myself through other people's eyes and I must look pretty ridiculous on the floor of the post office with candy all around singing Filipino nursery rhymes to a couldn't-care-less baby.

Those poor people standing in line watching the debacle must've either been thoroughly entertained by the craziness or thoroughly annoyed. It could go either way.

I was so grateful when that task was done and hopefully Mike won't need anything else. I don't think the post office can handle another visit from the Augustine girls anytime soon.

When we got back home, Grace was ready for a nap, and I was feeling proud of myself for powering through the post office embarrassment and getting the job done. As I was hanging up our coats in the closet, I noticed a plastic bag hanging from the doorknob. A plastic bag full of socks.

Wouldn't you know, I completely forgot to put the socks in the care package, the very first and most important thing he asked for! Why, oh why, do I do this to myself? So I guess it's off to the post office tomorrow after all.


Julie, the mama said...

Love that look on Grace's face in that last picture.

And I'm with you on the post office. I never can figure out what I'm supposed to do, and my kids take full advantage of my ignorance!