Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I had tons to do around the house today- laundry that needed to be done, Grace's outgrown clothes that needed to be put away in order to make room for her new outfits, toys strewn all over the house that needed to be picked up and organized, and general cleaning like dusting, sweeping, and vacuuming. Not to mention the bathrooms. I hate cleaning the bathrooms.

Instead of tackling all those chores like a good stay-at-home mama and wife should have done, I chose to ignore them and headed to the mall. I couldn't bring myself to stay inside today. Tomorrow calls for rain so there will be plenty of time to check off some of those things when we're all cooped up inside.

Grace was pretty good during our shopping excursion so I let her run around the play area before we headed home. Really, I wanted to wear her out good so that she'd sleep well tonight. But I think my plan backfired because she was out the moment I put her in the carseat and has been sleeping away since we got home an hour ago. By the time she wakes up, I'll be ready for bed, but she'll be well rested and wide awake.

Today was a good day for procrastination, but tomorrow there will be no room for excuses. Until Grace is old enough to earn her keep around here, these pesky little chores all fall on me.

My impulse buy from our trip to the mall- Grace's first pair of Keds. I couldn't help myself. They were on clearance!


Meagan said...

I'm also avoiding all housework today. Grace is so cute in her dress! And I LOVE those shoes!!

Julie, the mama said...

I am having a FIT over those shoes. They must be a new style. I'm getting online right this second to see about getting some for my girls....

Lola said...

Her dress reminds me of you years ago (preteen) you loved to wear my house dresses (duster). Cute!!!!