Thursday, January 14, 2010

Word of the Day

All day long, Grace has been saying in her little voice, "Dada, Dada." No matter what she was doing- eating breakfast, playing in her room, making a mess in the living room, sprawled on the kitchen rug while I cooked, splashing water during bath time- it was, "Dada, Dada, Dada, Dada," in a sweet sing-songy way.

So we were both super excited when Dada emailed a picture of himself tonight. I opened it up with Grace on my lap and I wish I had videotaped it so Mike could have seen her reaction. She clapped and giggled and squealed with delight. It was the sweetest thing.


Julie, the mama said...

Awwwww...gosh, after thinking about how skinny Mike looked, I couldn't get over how pretty that water was behind him.

Meagan said...

I'm glad you got a picture of Mike! I know that always brightened my day when Anthony was deployed.

Grace looks super cute in her bath robe!!

Lola said...

Funny! Reminds of me of old days, I was in my pjs and bath robe reading the newspaper or novels of my favorite author (Danielle Steele). Hopefully, Grace will love to read too. Books are great investments. Books, books, books then knowledge, knowledge, knowledge.

Greg and Julie Blew said...

Cicely, I love to read your blog! And how wonderful Mike could send you a picture. Will you ever be able to skype with him? I miss all the Augustines but enjoy the updates! Hang in there!