Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wonderful Wednesday

We had a wonderful Wednesday from beginning to end. Grace slept in until 10am. Then we got a phone call from Great Grandma Augustine and had a nice little chat. Afterwards we quickly got ready and headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's for a day of spoiling.

Grace shopped with Grandpa and got whatever she pointed to.

She had fun cooking dinner with Grandma.

Ate an apple for a snack.

And got to play with her Daddy's very own first teddy bear.

Being spoiled must be exhausting because she took a long afternoon nap and then after her bath tonight, Grace went right to bed without any fuss. What a perfect ending to a wonderful day.


Meagan said...

I'm glad y'all had a wonderful day!

Julie, the mama said...

Y'all wore her slap out. Hope you are planning to repeat today! ;-)