Saturday, January 9, 2010

Whining With a Chance of Flurries

When I found out we were moving to Florida, I was looking forward to some warm and sunny weather. I pretty much threw out most of my winter stuff before we left Japan thinking I wouldn't need them. But tonight as I was listening to the weather forecast and they said there was a chance of flurries, I'm regretting that decision. How can there be a chance of flurries in Florida?

Even though it was freezing and the skies were gray, I knew we needed to leave the house for a little change of scenery. Who cares if it was past four in the afternoon before I could muster up the motivation to get going- at least I got the two of us out for a few hours.

We roamed Michaels for some party decor inspiration, but Grace didn't enjoy that too much. There was a lot of whining punctuated by a few shrieks of displeasure when I wouldn't give her whatever she pointed at. But I just ignored her and hoped that the few people around could ignore her too. Normally that kind of behavior would have sent me aborting my shopping trip, but because it was our first time out of the house in two and a half days, I kept telling myself that her screaming wasn't THAT loud.

She was better behaved at Target, but only because there were two screaming children with a mama who was screaming right back at them, so Grace was better by comparison. Apparently that mama was just as determined as I was to finish shopping. And don't get me wrong, I absolutely am not judging that mama because who knows, that could be me in that position one day.

To treat myself for getting through a whiny and less than perfect shopping excursion, I took us to Chick-fil-a for dinner. I haven't had any since before Christmas so I was long overdue. We had a great time there. Give Grace some waffle fries and she didn't make a sound. I wish I had known that before shopping. And even though she didn't get a chance to play because there were too many rambunctious boys in the area, she had fun watching them all run around.


Meagan said...

Cicely she is just so darn cute! I love the chores book, you must getting her started early!

I hope you ladies are budled up and warm tonight.

On another note, awesome alarm clock! Where did you get that?

Mike and Cicely said...

Thanks, Meagan. The chores book were a present from a teenage girl she kept waving at during dinner.

The alarm clock is actually the dashboard clock in my car :)

Meagan said...

Well it never hurts to start those chores early!

Bummer about clock! I need one that tells me the temp.