Monday, January 4, 2010

Up Before Noon

I don't know if you could consider a Walmart run productive, but at least Grace and I were up and out of our pajamas before noon. Then again, we made a Walmart run to get some frozen coconut bars and we walked out of the store with all kinds of things, but forgot the coconut bars. So I guess it wasn't as productive as I was hoping.

We did have a good day that included two naps from Grace lasting more than an hour each. That is a rarity around here. Ever since we moved to Jacksonville, she will not take her naps. She'll happily sleep in my arms, but the moment I set her down in her crib, she is wide awake. I tried something different today and let her sleep on the couch and it worked like a charm. Of course, I couldn't go anywhere during her nap for fear she'd fall off, but at least it gave me some quiet time and I enjoyed reading a few chapters in the novel I'm working on.

We're ending the evening with movie night. One of my impulse buys at Walmart was the movie, Up. I've heard rave reviews about it and Grace and I can't wait to check it out.


Meagan said...

I want to know what you think about up. We loved it, but not everyone does. Grace looks so cute!! Kay used to nap wherever and whenever. More than once that child slept on the floor, I just threw a blanket over her and turned out the light.

Beth said...

I'd like to know what you thought about Up too, we also bought it...and were surprised by, I'll just say that!

Mike and Cicely said...

So it's not the typical cutsie Disney movie, that's for sure. It was so DARK! I liked it, but I don't know if really young kids would enjoy it too much.