Friday, January 1, 2010

Bittersweet New Year

We had a bittersweet new year. My in-law's were here to celebrate with us, which was very sweet, but Mike was so busy working that he didn't even get a chance to eat his New Year's Eve dinner. He had to go back on the ship during dinner and barely made it home in time to ring in the new year with us. But I have to remember to keep looking on the bright side of things- at least he was with us.

Today was spent hanging out with family. Mike made his girls pancakes for breakfast and then once the in-laws came over, off to the beach we went to get some family pictures. I was hoping for one last frame-worthy family picture before Mike left, but Grace was not happy unless she was in Grandma's arms. I might frame our picture anyway just because it's the only recent one we have. We haven't been very good about taking group pictures of our family of three.

In less than 10 hours, my husband is leaving for seven months, so I'm not going to waste any more time on the blog. Send some prayers my way that I can keep things together while my other half is gone.


Meagan said...

Cicely, I'm so sorry Mike is leaving for so long. I know it will be hard, but I also know you can do it. I've been there, and will be there again with our next tour. I'm wishing you luck and sending you prayers from Japan.

Julie, the mama said...

Oh, my sweet girl. Sending up lots of prayers for y'all, and will continue until Mike gets home.

No words of wisdom, but know we love y'all!