Sunday, May 29, 2011

Welcome to the Family, Max

Meet *Max, Mike's new ride. We adopted him for several reasons, but the main one is that I can actually drive Max unlike Catherine the Camaro. And it's a lot more family friendly (translation- it can comfortably fit a car seat or two).

Catherine's fate hangs in the balance. She is now sitting in a used car lot on base waiting for her next potential owner.

We started our Memorial Day celebration with an early morning church service. Grace behaved for about fifteen minutes out of the hour long Mass. She played drums on the pew, loudly sang her ABC's, and then announced during the most sacred part of the Mass, "I'll be right back. I gotta go potty!"

Then it was a quick trip to Walmart to pick up some charcoal for our BBQ lunch. I was excited (for Mike) to finally fire up the grill because it had been over two years since we've grilled a meal at home. It was fantastic! Our first batch of chicken was a little blackened, but after getting used to the new grill, Mike did an awesome job grilling our chicken, burgers, and hot dogs to perfection. In our excitement of grilling for the first time in a long time, we made way too much food. We'll be eating leftovers for the next few days.

After a picnic lunch on the lawn, it was naps for all of us. Then it was off to frolic on the beach until sunset. Absolute perfection.

*Grace had a hand in naming the new car. One of her favorite cartoons is Max and Ruby, and since the Volvo is named Ruby, she said we should name the new car Max.


Julie, the mama said...

I think Max and Ruby fit together perfectly.

Aunt Megan said...

So when can I drive it?? Lollll so not kidding.

Meagan said...

Catherine hung around a lot longer than I thought she would... you're a good wife! Max and Ruby, just love that.

Michael said...

Grandma loves your Lexus so much she wonders when she'll get her next new car.

P.S. - Grandpa is going to keep Grandma wondering for a little while longer.