Friday, May 20, 2011

Watermelon Dress

I have been dying to put Grace into my favorite consignment find, the watermelon dress, but I wanted to wait until the weather was good and hot. When we got in the car to run errands this morning and the temperature gauge read 115 degrees, I knew I was right to put her in the dress for the day. It eventually 'cooled down' to the 90's, but wow, it was a hot one today!

We are taking Grace on a surprise trip tomorrow to see one of her all-time favorite characters. I was trying to give her hints all throughout the day, but she just couldn't seem to figure it out.

Me: Grace, we are going to see someone very special tomorrow.
Grace: Who are we going to see, Mama?
Me: Who is your favorite character who is all red?
Grace: Who, Mama?
Me: You watch him on TV and he is furry and RED?
Grace: Who do I watch on TV and is furry and red, Mama?
Me: Never mind. We're going to see someone very special tomorrow.
Grace: I'm so excited!

Details about our surprise trip coming soon....


Julie, the mama said...

I am a sucker for a watermelon dress, you know! She looks adorable.

Meagan said...

I had a watermelon dress for K in every size from 0-5T. I LOVE them! Grace looks adorable!

Michael said...

Watermelon dresses are so adorable. Megan had one, too. Come back to Virginia Beach, soon. We miss Grace (and her parents, too.)