Thursday, May 19, 2011

New Favorite Word

I think my girl is adorable and sweet. Of course, I'm her mother so I'm completely biased, I know. And I also know that she has her fair share of moments- the kind that land her time out and have me breathing heavily and counting to ten. Still, I absolutely adore her.

Her favorite word at the moment is "Mine!" said in a bossy manner with her eyebrows knit. Now, I don't mind so much when she says it at home because her daddy and I can find all kinds of things endearing. But out in public, I understand that people who are not related to her might find this kind of behavior less cute and more annoying. Those fancy family calling cards I had made up in hopes of passing them out to potential friends for play dates aren't going to do us any good if the mamas don't want their children associating with such a bossy little Miss.

So I have been desperately trying to curb her compulsion to proclaim everything hers.

At library craft time this morning, when she was trying to hog the communal box of embellishments at the table, I tried to explain that it most certainly wasn't all hers and it was there for everybody to share. She grudgingly let the others at the table get their share, but she made sure to stand guard over the box and give stares of disapproval to those she felt took something she might want to use on her picture.

To be fair, and not paint a completely unflattering picture of my child (because I will most certainly get in trouble with Lola if I do), she DID compliment the little girl next to her with, "I like your picture. It's pretty, isn't it?"

Thank goodness she saved herself with that last comment or else we may have had to lay low during library craft time for a while.