Sunday, May 8, 2011


To say that motherhood changes you is quite the understatement.

Sure, there are the physical changes like stretch marks, c-section scars, and the weird way my hair texture changed. Though, for me, these are the easiest things to accept and get over. These kinds of things happen as you age anyway, so if this is the price I have to pay to bring life into the world, then so be it. But I could definitely do without the 60+ pound weight gain the next time around.

Then there are the lifestyle changes. Gone are the days of leisurely shopping for groceries. Or spending all day shopping for something as frivolous as clothes. Spontaneous, romantic weekend getaways are a distant memory. There was a time I used to think sleeping in meant getting up after eleven in the morning. Now it's sleeping in if I can make it to 7:45. I used to love wearing cute skirts and dresses and 4-inch stiletto heels to work, teaching classroom after classroom full of 13 year olds. Now my uniform is jeans, a t-shirt, and ballet flats, because no matter how much I miss wearing my high heels, they just aren't practical while chasing after a two year old.
There are also the emotional changes. I didn't consider myself the kind to get overly sentimental and weepy before having Grace. But now, just the sight of her and her daddy sharing an embrace can get me all choked up because I can't believe how incredibly blessed I am to have those two in my life.

The emotional roller coaster ride can get crazy at times- from fuming mad because the child ripped off nearly all the keys from my MacBook, to laughing hysterically when she immediately puts herself in timeout after seeing my reaction, to feeling a huge, overwhelming swell of love because these innocent childhood moments don't last forever and I am in sad awe at how quickly it's going by- all these Jekyll and Hyde emotions experienced in a span of seconds.

I used to be pretty laid back, but now I worry constantly. Is she eating enough? Is she growing properly? Is she healthy? Is she developmentally on track? Am I doing enough to stimulate her curiosity and growing mind? And the litany of worries and concerns goes on and on...

I thought that since I was my baby brother's nanny for several years, I was quite prepared for motherhood. I knew the basics- how to give a baby a bottle, change a diaper, and rock them to sleep. I took him to the pediatrician and I dropped him off and picked him up from school. I knew how to soothe him when he was hurt. I taught him songs and played games with him.

Turns out, all that experience was good, but it didn't come close to preparing me for what motherhood was really going to be like. Motherhood is an adventure! A wild, crazy, amazing adventure filled with laughter and tears and all the wonderful things in between.

I am learning that being a mother is hard! Because my mom made it look so easy, I didn't realize it would be THIS tough. I heard somewhere before that being a mother is the hardest job you'll ever love. I couldn't agree more.

I LOVE being a mother. L. O. V. E.- LOVE! Every single thing about it. I'll gladly take the stretch marks, the lack of sleep, the not-so-cute shoes, and the gray hairs caused by worry if that's what it takes to be a mother. I thank God every day for giving me the honor of having Grace call me mama, and I pray that I do my job well. It is the most important job that I will ever have.

We were invited to a Mother's Day picnic. It was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon, eating good food and hanging out with a great friend.

Mike had duty, but we stopped by the ship to have dinner with him.


Meagan said...

Love it! Such a sweet, sweet post.

Happy Mother's Day C!!

Julie, the mama said...

I LOVED this blog. Got me all teary eyed and all! Pictures are just precious, too. As always.