Saturday, May 28, 2011

Party Girl

Grace partied hard at a birthday celebration this afternoon and then conked out for a nice and long late afternoon nap.

After she woke up, we quickly headed to the commissary to get the stuff we need for our Memorial Day BBQ we're having tomorrow, a day early because Mike is working on Monday. When we arrived at the commissary, we were able to snag one of those coveted shopping carts that look like racing cars. I was so excited! I thought I might actually get a chance to get everything on my shopping list without resorting to bribery to get Grace to behave.

We weren't five minutes into our trip when an announcement was made that the commissary was closing in fifteen minutes. Of course this would happen when we finally snagged the Mack Daddy cart! Now that we actually have the cool cart, we can't even take full advantage of it because we have to be out of the store in fifteen minutes anyway.

Grace and I vroomed our way around the store and tried to grab as much as we could from our list. We made it to the register just in time. I was feeling good about getting in and out of the commissary in record time.

Until I was driving home and realized I had forgotten a key ingredient in the marinade I have to use on the chicken overnight. So we had to make a second grocery trip to Publix after we went home and put away all the groceries from our first trip. And for all that trouble, I decided to treat us to a container of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

Grace and I ended our evening snuggling on the couch eating Smores ice cream and watching Backyardigans- a perfect Saturday night!

**This little story should probably be added to yesterday's blog about the things Grace says:

At the birthday party, there was a tub of sidewalk chalk that Grace wanted to use, but I told her no, she couldn't use it until she ate some lunch. I went inside to fix her a plate. When I came back outside, she was already on her third color chalk just scribbling away. The birthday boy's mom told me that the moment I went inside, Grace immediately got into the chalk and told her, "My mama said no chalk"- all said with a sly grin. That girl!