Monday, May 23, 2011

Elmo's World

We headed down to Tampa to visit Elmo at Busch Gardens this weekend. We left the house before 6am on Saturday morning; Grace wide awake since 5:30. I was hoping the four hour drive would put her back to sleep, but she must have been just as excited as we were because she stayed up the entire time. And when we finally arrived and she saw her Sesame Street friends and all the fun to be had at the park, I knew that her normal afternoon nap was going to be nonexistent. The lack of sleep didn't stop her from having an absolute blast.

She rode rides,

Met some Sesame Street pals and even danced with them,

Splashed around in the waterpark,

And then FINALLY fell asleep three hours past her naptime. While she slept, Mike and I walked around and reminisced on what it was like going to an amusement park pre-baby. In those days, it was more about the thrilling roller coaster rides and less about the shows. Shows were for our parents and old people! My, oh my, how times have changed. I would still love to ride a roller coaster, but who would watch the baby? So our day was planned around the show times. It was a great way to give Grace a break for half an hour and it was the perfect way to get out of the heat for a while. I guess you can officially call us parents, but hopefully not (too) old.

When she woke up, we went on a safari train ride and saw all her favorite animals and even had a close encounter with a baby rhino.

We ended the day with a sweet treat. In addition to this humongous lollipop, she scored herself an ice cream sundae with sprinkles and numerous toys and paraphernalia from the gift shops. Mike and I figured if we were going to break the rules, we might as well go all out.

Grace with Sucker #1...
and Sucker #2.

It was an incredibly hot and humid day and I was tired from the heat and the lack of sleep from the night before, but the look of wonder and excitement on her face was worth it all. The best part was at the end of the day when I was taking her out of the stroller to put her in the carseat and she hugged my neck and said, "I had a really GOOD day, Mama!"


Anonymous said...

Oh how cute are you Ms. Grace, always in a dress :) it is true how much your priorities change when you become a parent, how your definition of "Fun" changes, and the amazing part is, you don't mind going to the shows instead of the roller coasters, the joy in your child's eyes is more than enough to replace the thrill of the rides :)

such beautiful pictures and you look like you had a good time Grace :)

Lola said...

I had a good time reading and watching those good time pictures. Cycle of life is amazing. These fun trips reminds of old days. You and Carl were in the pictures, now it's Grace. Sweet memories!!!!

Michael said...

We wonder if Grace's daddy remembers going to Busch Gardens Tampa when he was 8 years old? We drove across country on a PCS move from California to Pennsylvania via Tampa stopping to visit relatives there.

Beth said...

I'm so glad you all had a good trip! Ours would have loved that too, as they are also Elmo-aholics!