Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Family Pictures

Today was a pretty ordinary day except Grace's nose started running nonstop and she ended up running a slight fever. A dose of children's Motrin and she was back to normal. I knew she couldn't be feeling too bad if she was still making a mess. My house is a wreck right now, but if it means a child who isn't sick, then that's alright by me.

What I really want to talk about is our family photo shoot on Sunday. I was so excited about getting our pictures taken because although we've been a family of three for 20 months now, we've never taken official family pictures by a professional photographer. The timing was never right, and we lived in Japan where good photographers were hard to come by. Remember Grace's first 'professional' portraits?

Christy did such an amazing job capturing Mike's homecoming that we knew she'd be the perfect person to take our first family portrait. We all had a blast playing on the beach, especially Grace. And Christy was such a trooper chasing after the girl trying to capture those elusive smiles. Grace was adorable, but she refused to do anything on cue. Still, I'm excited to see how the rest of the pictures came out because Christy is so talented I think she can make anyone look good.

We stayed on the beach until it was almost too dark to see anything and then we treated ourselves to a Steak'N'Shake dinner. Maybe I was just starving from all the running around on the beach, but I thought it was pretty good. And the double chocolate fudge shake I had for dessert was divine.


Meagan said...

I cannot wait to see those pictures!!

I am just lovin' the dress and shoes Grace is wearing, precious!

Julie B said...

I love, love, love Steak-n-Shake!!!