Saturday, October 30, 2010

She Knows What it Takes

After a long day at work (Yes, on a Saturday. And he also has to go in tomorrow. On a Sunday), Mike came home and suggested we treat ourselves to a nice dinner out. I jumped at the chance to take a break from the kitchen. Besides, I was planning on just reheating our leftovers from last night anyway.

The moment Mike walked through the door, Grace was super sweet with him, showering him with lots of hugs and kisses. This continued all through dinner, too.

I'm positive the girl loves her daddy with all her heart, but tonight, it turns out she had an ulterior motive. All the sugar she was giving Mike at dinner was a diversion in an effort to get to her goal: his wallet that was on the table.

Smart girl already knows what it takes to get Daddy to part with his credit card.


Aunt Megan said...

How funny!

Julie, the mama said...

Smart, smart girl. (But we already knew that!)