Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Pasta Overload

Mike and I love to eat. A lot. Unfortunately, our girl didn't inherit that trait. She is picky. Like 'stress me out, what in the world am I going to feed the child?' kind of picky. Unless it's pasta. Pasta is my go-to food for her because she will always eat it willingly.

We had to drop Mike off this morning since the ship will be going underway for a few days. This meant I didn't have to really worry about dinner for the grown ups tonight. I also didn't want to have to fight with Grace about eating her dinner so I fixed some angel hair pasta with butter and cheese and some sauteed mushrooms and broccoli- her favorite. She gobbled it up. I'm always grateful for meals that she will eat.

As I was enjoying my dinner of leftovers, she started eying my lasagna so I offered her some. I was so happy that she not only ate her dinner, but was proceeding to eat half of mine too.

Then it happened. I should have seen it coming because that was quite a bit of food for a teeny girl to be putting down. But who was I to say no when she kept asking for more? Her eyes are definitely bigger than her stomach because she overstuffed herself and it all came back up- on her clothes, my clothes, and all over the floor.

I stood in shock for a good 20 seconds trying to decide the best course of action. We were COVERED in pasta (and chocolate milk), and not in a good way. So we stripped down to our undies, right in the middle of the kitchen. Grace thought it was hilarious and kept giggling and pointing out that "Mama's naked!" I wiped her up and kicked her out of the kitchen while I tried to do damage control.

As I was busy cleaning up the mess, she was busy taking off her diaper and running around the living room in her birthday suit, laughing her head off.

To add insult to injury, as I was getting ready to put her in the bathtub, she pee-ed all over the bathroom rug. To think my husband is missing out on all this fun....

All clean again!


Julie, the mama said...

Never a dull moment!

Grandma said...

We love seeing her smile!

Meagan said...

Yikes! What a day you have had!

Michael said...

Guess from which grandparent Grace gets her love of pasta?

Davey Jones said...

Aah - so so funny - and cute too! I guess kids will be kids. Also, it's good that you censored her 'bare bottom.'