Thursday, May 14, 2009

I Paid for This?

There are certain things I had always thought I would do once I had a baby- decorate a beautiful nursery, dress my child in adorable clothes, and document milestones as much as possible, using professional photography when necessary.

Unfortunately, because we live in Japan, there is a lack of professional photography- unless we want to try and get them done out in town and pay an arm and a leg for them. So I was super excited when about a month ago, a professional photography company came to visit the base. I immediately signed Grace up to get her three month portraits done.

I was expecting them to be spectacular because my baby is so easy to smile. This is what we ended up with...

She cried during the entire photo shoot and the only non-crying shots the photographer could get was when she would take a breath in between her cries. So much for my perfect portraits. The salesperson didn't even attempt to get us to buy any portrait packages because even he could see they were horrible. We walked away with one picture that came with the photo shoot, and I consoled myself with the fact that we'll be in Virginia Beach when it's time for her six month portraits and I might have better luck in my hometown.


Joannemay Estoesta said...

Cicely, I can't stop laughing out loud because I can totally hear your voice narrating the blog! Why does poor Grace look like this picture was taken in the 80's? It's not how she looks, but it's the quality of the photo/photo paper/clarity/color enhancing. You'll do much better getting one of those wedding photographers in Virginia, to do off-site photos by the beach in matchy-matchy gear! Ohhh, that was a good laugh! Grace is darling! Your pictures over Easter with the SLR look much more "professional" than this shot!

Julie, the mama said...

Or you might not have better luck. I find my kids act the worst when there is a professional behind a camera. Your pictures are always the best anyway!