Sunday, October 3, 2010

Sunday Stroll

When she puts these glasses on, she says, "Super star!"

Today was the first day where I finally saw a hint of fall weather. Lots of sunshine, no humidity, and a bit of a nip in the air. It was absolutely gorgeous out!

We went to church where Grace was quite the wiggle worm. At one point, she was rolling around underneath the pew and trying to touch people's shoes! I was tempted to head into the baby cry room, but believe it or not, she actually behaves better when we stay out of there.

After church, it was back home for lunch and naps. Then we headed to the beach to enjoy the rest of the day. We went to a new beach that required a ferry ride. I thought Grace would love the novelty of it, but she was indifferent to it. She loved the actual beach though. And so did Mike and I until we got in trouble for accidentally venturing into the bird sanctuary! Ooops.

By the time we got home, it was getting pretty late (for Grace), but I somehow managed to whip up some dinner that didn't involve leftovers or mac and cheese from a box. While I was fixing dinner, Mike and Grace were busy cleaning out the car of all the sand Grace tracked in. How a little thing like her can bring in so much sand, I have no idea.

It was a lovely Sunday!

Our family picture.


Meagan said...

I'm so jealous! A clean beach!!

That Super Star sure is getting big.