Monday, October 4, 2010

If Only I Could Drink

If I wasn't allergic to alcohol, I would definitely be drinking tonight after the day I had. Really, our morning went great. It was after lunch where it all went downhill. So downhill that I can't even blog about it right now. I'm too exhausted. And I have a headache.

I will write more details tomorrow. Let me just say it's a good thing Grace is so darn cute. It was her saving grace today.

Helping daddy with Ruby's oil change.


Julie, the mama said...

Can't wait to hear the story. And I'm sure mine have done worse.

Meagan said...

I'm sorry your day wasn't so great. My Monday had me in tears, I couldn't blog either.

I hope tomorrow is MUCH better!!

Lola said...

Take a deep breath and count 1-10 backward.

Michael said...

Bad days are all relative. If you're not on a WWII destroyer in 40 ft seas taking on water through a broken hull plate, or an IRS agent is not at your client's door with a seizure order...your day can't be too bad.