Saturday, October 2, 2010

Super Star Saturday

Even though we were nearly blown away by the gale force winds, we all had a wonderful time hanging out with friends at the Farragut picnic today. There was tons of food, a clown, a bouncy house, a few dogs, and lots of bubbles. A sweet lady gave Grace some super star sunglasses the moment we arrived and she loved them! If the wind didn't keep knocking them off, she would've kept them on the entire time.

We were tempted to go home and take long afternoon naps after the picnic, but instead we powered through and went to a home show looking for kitchen renovation ideas. Grace was a trooper considering the lack of sleep, but it probably didn't hurt that I was bribing her with lollipops.

A quick stop at Lowe's and Costco almost caused a meltdown, triggered by a battle of wills over sitting down in the cart, but we quickly learned that a good compromise was sitting in her all-time favorite seat- daddy's shoulders. She was perfectly fine once she was perched up high.

We had a dinner of leftovers to complete our super star Saturday, but if you set the table nicely and arrange the food on a pretty platter, it doesn't seem so bad.

I can't ask for a better day than one spent with my family.


Meagan said...

That does sound like a fantasic Saturday! Grace looks so cute in her sunglasses!