Wednesday, October 20, 2010

I So Crazy

She received a get well card from Great Grandma Augustine and a toy from a couple of sweet friends today. Grace was so excited about the surprise of a kitty card and a singing puppy pal.

I almost didn't put this story into the blog but Mike insisted that it should be put in for posterity.

Grace has been very into bodily functions lately and insists on my showing her the goods when I wipe her nose or change her diaper. This afternoon she caught a glimpse of what was in a #2 diaper and she exclaimed, "I like chocolate!"

It's good to know my daughter is a fellow chocoholic like her mama, but that's just gross. And I let her know it. After watching me go on and on about how yucky it was and how it was most definitely not chocolate, she looked at me, laughed, and said, "I so craaaazy!"

I have no idea where she gets this stuff. Maybe, because we've been homebound for a while, we've been indulging in too much TV. Wherever she learned that phrase, she cracks me up with her craziness.


Aunt Megan said...

Many prayers for Grace! Glad to see she is healing quickly. xoxo

Meagan said...

Ok, that IS gross but it is still pretty funny.

Grace looks so cute!!

Julie B said...

She looks beautiful! You are doing such a fantastic job! Grace should be getting a package in the mail in a few days!

Beth said...

We have Violet and Scout and we love them! So glad that she is healing!