Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Mismatched, but Happy Day

I woke up this morning very anxious because today was Grace's follow up appointment where the experts would tell us how well she is healing and what to expect next. The appointment was down in Gainesville which meant we had to leave Jacksonville before the sun was even up to get there on time.

I realized halfway into the trip that something was very wrong with my outfit. Look at these two pictures and see if you can figure it out.

One picture is how I meant to dress. The other is how I actually left the house. Yup, I wore two different sandals! How embarrassing! I was tempted to pull into a rural Walmart and buy a pair of matching shoes, but I didn't want to risk being late. I hoped that no one would notice my silly mistake. After all, who pays any attention to shoes, right?

When we got to the clinic, Grace worked her magic and charmed everyone there. There were several college students volunteering in the waiting area, making crafts and playing with the kids. Grace sat in the midst of them answering all their questions while they fawned over her and made her a pumpkin basket, a Halloween necklace, and get well cards.

When it was time to go back to get weighed and measured, she scored some extra stickers from the nurses for giving them hugs. In the exam room, she gave the lady doctor a high five and for that, she carried Grace around like a baby doll. The guy doctor had to work a little harder for some love. He had to bribe her with the promise of a toy. Once he said the magic words though- "Do you want a toy?"- she grabbed hold of his finger without a moment's hesitation and lead him straight to the toy box.

They were all just in love with her and it made me happy to see her enjoying herself. But the best part of the visit to the clinic was the news we got about her injury. She is healing quickly and wonderfully! It's not even necessary to use the medicated ointment on her face anymore- just regular moisturizer.

She can go about everyday life without any restrictions. The only instructions were to keep her face shaded from the sun for several months and to put on a good moisturizer with SPF of at least 30. Considering I was imagining the worst- not being able to take her outside at all for a good while- I was ecstatic at the news. She now has a dandy pink sunhat and her own bottle of Oil of Olay.

A happy, happy day for Grace and all who love her.

By the way, before we left the clinic, the burn surgeon looked at me and said, "Hey, did you know you have on two different shoes?" So much for no one noticing.


Meagan said...

YaY for WONDERFUL news!!! I'm so glad to hear the appointment went well! Grace sure is happy-go-lucky!

I'm laughing over the shoes, you just gotta love those "mom" moments.

Lola said...

Thank God for the wonderful news. You are all in my prayer. One of my favorite inspirational phrase, "A Mother's prayer can link her child to God". And I believe.

On a normal day, the first thing some people noticed are the shoes. But for a situation like this, don't worry about the shoes. I can go barefoot if I have to.

Sweet love from all of us...

Julie, the mama said...

Great news about Cicely.

Hilarious story about you.