Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sitting Pretty

Mike has duty tonight so we planned on bringing him dinner and eating on the ship. While I was busy packing our meal in the kitchen, she was sitting pretty on my bed, with her shoes on, eating her snack. The bed that has freshly laundered linens on it. The linens that I had to wash because she dribbled chocolate milk on it the other day.

I really need to be better at keeping my bedroom door closed.

This smile/grimace is what I get when I ask her to smile for the camera. She does say 'cheese' with enthusiasm though.

She got a haircut today. This is before...

...and this is after.


Meagan said...

That forced grin just kills me!! But not as much as her haircut! It is soooooo cute!!

Julie, the mama said...

Sweet little haircut....LOVE IT!

My kids are always on my bed with their shoes on. I have to literally just detach or I would be too grossed out to get in bed at night! :-)