Monday, October 25, 2010

Nature Walk

Mike came home from work at a decent hour so we were able to take an evening stroll around the neighborhood. We had so much fun watching Grace trying to collect every single leaf she came across. To see her face when she saw another leaf she wanted to pick up when her hands were already full was priceless. She didn't know what to do, but she refused to leave until she figured out a way to take the precious leaf with her.

It was the best way to end our day.


Julie, the mama said...

That is one adorable leaf collector!

Lola said...

Aw cute, at least it's not bugs she is collecting,ha ha ha

Michael said...

Wealthy art collectors surely started this way upgrading their finds as they went along.

Grace's face is healing nicely.

Meagan said...

I agree with Julie. She looks just darling collecting her leaves.