Thursday, October 14, 2010

Prayer Request

Cicely and I would like you all to keep Grace in your prayers. We took her to the ER at Naval Air Station Jacksonville yesterday after she pulled down a hot cup of tea off the kitchen counter and spilled it on her face. The ER stabilized her, but to be safe, referred her to the Burn unit at the Shand's Children's Hospital at the University of Florida. She and her mother took the two hour ambulance ride, and I followed. We spent the night last night and will spend at least one more here in Gainesville until the Doctors release her. The burns were second degree, but are mostly superficial. An Opthamalogist checked her eyes, and they're fine (thank the Lord). It's a good thing we spent the night because Grace woke up this morning with a rather swollen face (which is normal, after an injury like this). Had we been at home we might have raced to the ER again.

On a positive note, every doctor, nurse, and ambulance EMT/Driver was amazed at how well behaved she was when they had to poke or prod her; she just stares at her IV while they hook things up to her, and just nods her head in approval each time. That's Daddy's Little Girl.

She's doing fine and acting like her normal self, exploring every inch of her hospital room. Her face will take a few weeks to heal, but the experts have reassured us that although it looks bad right now, her injuries will leave no lasting scar. But please keep her in your prayers for a speedy recovery.


Julie, the mama said...

prayers coming your way. let us know if we can do anything. love y'all.

Meagan said...

Prayers are on the way. I'm so sorry you all are going through this.

Love y'all!

Beth said...

oh wow....will be thinking about and praying for you all...please let me know if I can help you in any way!

Julie B said...

Prayers from the Blew Family!! Love to you all!