Saturday, October 23, 2010

Pre-Halloween Festivities

We went to a farm to pick out the perfect pumpkin.

We attended a Halloween party.

Grace couldn't get enough of the bouncy house.

But eventually, Little Snow White got all tired and took refuge in her Sheik Daddy's arms.


Julie, the mama said...

I don't know why, but Mike's costume got me so tickled. Love that top family picture. Y'all are just the cutest ever!

Lola said...


Joannemay Estoesta said...

From James: "That ain't no damn costume Mike! That's your traditional garb!"

Meagan said...

So cute! Sounds like a pretty good weekend. Y'all are such a cute family!

Aunt Megan said...

Michael, your costume... hahahahahahahahahaha it fits you well! Love you :) And so glad you guys had fun together :)