Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Lola's Blanket

My mom is a lady of many talents, one of which is knitting. She knitted a baby blanket for me before I was born, and she made one for Grace, too. When she came to Japan right before Grace was born, she surprised me with a beautiful blanket that matched her nursery perfectly.

I've had it safely tucked away, waiting until Grace is old enough to make good use of it. When we converted her crib into a toddler bed, I took it out and have had it folded on the side of her bed. It hasn't been cold enough to use just yet, but I'm hoping cooler temperatures will finally arrive now that November is just around the corner.

Today, Grace made it known she wasn't willing to wait until it was cold before she used the blanket. She walked out of her room this afternoon, the blanket trailing behind her, all the while proudly chattering, "Lola make blanket for Grace. It's for me."

It's amazing she remembers that because I only told her once, many weeks ago when I pulled the blanket out, and we haven't talked about it since.

She dragged that blanket all over the house. Thank goodness she was willing to leave it at home while we ran errands today. It's a mighty big blanket to be dragging all around town.


Julie, the mama said...

What a wonderful gift to be able to make such beautiful treasures.

Lola said...

Made it with pure love. Enjoy it darling.

Meagan said...

That is such a sweet story and a mighty pretty blanet too.