Friday, August 5, 2011

You're the Grandmother

For the past two days, Grace has skipped her afternoon nap. It made for a couple of very long days for this mama. She gave me a reprieve this morning by sleeping in until almost 9. That almost never happens. And then she was bathed, in bed, and asleep before 8. That never ever happens.

In between the late wake up and early bedtime, we went to the gym for a quick run and then Target just because. It's been crazy hot here and my girl and I don't do well out in the heat so we stayed in and just hung out for the rest of the day.

She is very much into puzzles and blocks lately, but reading and playing with dolls are still her favorites. At one point, she brought a doll over to me and said, "This is my baby. I'm her mother. And you're the grandmother because you're my mama."

This conversation gave me pause because even though I would love for her to stay my baby girl forever, I know that the day will come when she will be the mama and I will be the grandmother. It was just another little reminder to cherish every moment because they are going by so very quickly.

Later, when she was tired of being a mama, she handed the doll over and told me, "Here Mama, you babysit for a little bit."


Julie, the mama said...

I think it is a sign of high intelligence that she was able to grasp the grandmother relationship at such a young age! :-)

Lola said...

If you are the grandmother, then that's make me a Greatgrandma. OMG! I am really getting old. That is so cute!!!!

Meagan said...

I like the Grandmother game much better than the evil step-mother game Krista used to play. :)

Michael said...

We are so impressed with Grace's understanding of the parent-grandparent relationship. Has she figured out the Aunt/Uncle/Cousin relationships, yet?