Wednesday, August 3, 2011

I'm So Beautiful

Whenever Grace proclaims herself beautiful, I start to worry. Not because I'm afraid she's lacking modesty, but because it usually means I have a lot of cleaning up to do.

She calls herself beautiful when she smears sunblock all over herself. She calls herself beautiful when she gets lipgloss all over her face. And today she was beautiful because she got into my makeup and eyeliner and applied it on her face, her dress, and all over my bathroom floor. My brand new and full containers of mineral makeup are now half empty thanks to her morning primping.

Other than a quick trip to the gym (where I was called out of my Zumba class because Grace completely soaked her dress after playing with water at the sink in the bathroom) and Target, the rest of the day was spent baking up goodies for the ship's bake sale. By late afternoon when it was time to make dinner, I was so tired from all the baking that I emailed Mike and told him not to expect a home cooked meal when he came home. So it was pizza delivery night for us!


Julie, the mama said...

She is mighty beautiful. LOVE that dress on her, too! That color is gorgeous.

I wish I had some of your baking right this second.

Meagan said...

That dress! Oh my stinkin' heck, that is cute!