Friday, August 12, 2011

Awesomeness Day

Today was the Farragut Family and Friends Awesomeness Day. We had a steel beach picnic on the flight deck. There were even a couple of ice sculptures! Of course, it melted away in about thirty minutes in this Florida heat, but it was beautiful while it lasted.

Grace's favorite activities were the face painting, checking out the various guns, and hanging out in the combat information center (CIC). The moment she stepped into the CIC, which was a dimly lit room filled with rows of computer screens, she climbed into a chair in front of a radar screen and dubbed herself 'Policeman Grace' who was ready to 'rescue all the animals', just like on the show Go, Diego, Go.

It was such an awesome time that Grace completely skipped her afternoon nap. It was worth it though. What a great opportunity to hang out with daddy on the ship during a workday!

She loved the face painting and specifically requested a pink butterfly.

My tough girl- making daddy proud!

Enjoying one of her goodies, a pinwheel. She also scored a balloon dog and was quite upset when she was playing with it and it became untwisted, saying, "Daddy, fix it! My dog turned into a dinosaur!" And with it's long neck, it really DID look like her dog turned into a brontosaurus. But it didn't matter whether or not it was a dog or a dinosaur, nothing could fix the thing when she accidentally popped it later in the evening.


Michael said...

Its never too early to learn how to handle a weapon. Little Grace "Annie" Oakley is so cute.