Sunday, August 14, 2011

She Was Really Good

After Grace went to bed tonight, Mike said, "She was really good today." And she was.

She slept in until after 8. She was awesome at church this morning. She didn't whine or complain when we did the boring kind of shopping (clothes for mama) before lunch. She devoured her lunchtime meal of spaghetti and garlic breadsticks. She hung out and watched some old car movie with Mike while I went to the gym in the afternoon. Then she kept Mike company while he grilled steaks for dinner.

There are some days when she really makes me earn every single pretend penny of my stay-at-home mama paycheck. Then there are days like this when she is the easiest child to parent. But no matter what, I love my girl and I love my job!

All ready for school. She is dying to start. I told her she can't attend school until she turns three years old. She then holds up three fingers and tells me she's already three years old. Not quite, baby girl, not quite. Mama isn't ready to give you up to preschool yet.

She came out of the bathroom looking like this- dress tucked into her underwear which was inside out and backwards. It was hilarious to me and Mike, but she was so proud of herself.


josyl said...

mine end up inside out sometimes. i kid, i kid. lol what a cutie patootie!! ninang loves you grace!!!