Sunday, August 28, 2011

Overdue Update

I know I have been totally slacking with the updates. I wish I had a better excuse, but I just don't have any energy lately. None. Zero. Zip. I would be mortified if anyone came over to my house right now because it is a wreck. Seriously. I managed to sweep the floor the other day, but didn't get around to mopping it like it desperately needs. Toys are everywhere, but I just step over them and do my best to ignore it all instead of picking up like I should. I finally went to the grocery store, but only because we were out of just about every single staple, and the threat of Hurricane Irene possibly passing by this way made stocking up a necessity.

But I can say that the little energy I do have, I reserve to play with my girl. My house may be a mess, but at least my baby is happy. I asked her tonight as I was putting her to bed what her favorite part of the day was and she said, "Playing with you, Mama." Hearing that is totally worth every dust bunny hiding under the couch, the dirty dishes in the sink, and the crumbs and sticky fingerprints all over the furniture.

A few highlights from the past few days:

***Grace went back to the dentist on Wednesday to fix that little cavity and she did fantastic. She even said, "Woohoo!" when she climbed up into that seat. I was afraid the enthusiasm for the dentist would wane after the procedure was done, but she didn't mind it at all. The dentist and hygienist worked so fast it was over before I even had a chance to get all nervous. The whole thing took about five minutes! We waited in the waiting area longer than the process actually took.

***I took a photography class on Saturday to finally figure out once and for all how to work my fancy DSLR camera. I was tired of always resorting to the auto modes when I knew the camera was capable of so much more. I had the best time and I wish I had known all I know now when I first got this camera two and a half years ago.

The class was in Georgia and it was an all day event. It was the first time I had been away from Grace for that long, and the first time Mike had her all by himself for that long. I told him to send me texts and pictures to keep me updated on how their day was going. He took her to the zoo in an outfit that made me cringe (I knew I should have laid clothes out for her! But I wanted him to get the whole experience of taking care of her from beginning to end), but they both had a great time.

***We took Mike to the ship before the sun was up this morning since they are going underway for a little while. Grace and I crawled back into bed the moment we came home and then slept so long we almost missed church this morning. We made it, a few minutes late, and Grace behaved herself really, really well. Mostly because it was free donut week and I threatened her with leaving church without a treat if she didn't behave herself.

She picked a chocolate glazed Krispy Kreme donut, my favorite! Grace ate half and said she was full. I was drooling and thought I would finish it myself because it hurts my feelings to have a perfectly good Krispy Kreme donut go to waste. I took a bite and I couldn't eat it! It was too sweet for me!! What is up with that? I ended up tossing the half eaten donut in the trash and I have been thinking about it all day long. Poor donut.


lola said...

love the pictures...

Michael said...

We love Grace's faces! Hmmm...if Grace likes the dentist so much, maybe she will become a dentist, someday?