Sunday, August 7, 2011

At Panera in Pajamas

I left daddy and daughter to fend for themselves this morning while I headed out to the gym for a quick workout before church. The two ended up at Panera for breakfast, Grace still in her pajamas. (Sigh). At least he put a bow in her hair.

After church it was a quick trip to Costco for some laundry detergent, but as always, we found other things to throw into our cart.

Grace was on the verge of falling asleep on the way home, but I had to be mean mama and make sure she stayed awake for fear that she wouldn't go back to sleep once we got home. She kept whining, "Stop it! I'm soooo sleeeepy," but that didn't stop me from continuing to bug her to keep her awake. Finally Mike offered her a game of Angry Birds on my phone and that did the trick- she wasn't too sleepy to play a round of Angry Birds.

Long afternoon naps for all three of us were next and then it was off to Jekyll Island, Georgia for a quick photo shoot for Grace's two year old portraits with the very talented Christy Spurlock. It was a hot, humid evening with lots of biting bugs flying around, but it was worth enduring to see Christy work her magic with Grace.

It was way past her bedtime when we got home, but I couldn't skip Grace's evening bath so it was nearly ten by the time she was tucked into bed. I was going to quickly follow suit and head to bed myself, but a text message from a worried Lola about the lack of blog updates changed that plan.

I'm glad that text message motivated me to blog because I feel better about being all caught up for now. Finally, I'm off to bed....

Professional photographers we are not, as evidenced by what could have been a gorgeous shot if not for the blur. Oh well, that's what Christy is for.