Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sparkly Toes

I never would have bought Grace these pink, glittery shoes. They are cute, but I don't like to buy her clothing or shoes that light up or are covered in glitter. She loved them so much though that her daddy couldn't resist. Now she wants to wear them ALL. THE. TIME.

She calls them her 'sparkly toes' and when I tell her that the outfit she is wearing doesn't match the shoes, she refuses to wear it and will try to look for one that does match. Only two years old and already has an opinion on her wardrobe.


Nellie said...

the band-aid is the icing on the cake for me. she's a total toughie! LOVE her. ...mucho

Meagan said...

She looks so smitten with her sparkly shoes!

Lola said...

As long as she loves them, that's what matters. She looks adorable..

Michael said...

Grace looks so cute in her pink dress and sparkling pink shoes. She should wear her "sparkly toes" until her heart's content!