Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tae Bo Pasta

Me: What do you want for lunch?
Grace: Tae Bo pasta.

For a second, I had visions of Billy Blanks doing karate kicks until I realized she meant some bow tie pasta. Unfortunately we were all out of that kind, so she went for the "twirly whirly" (cavatappi) instead.

We went to the gym this morning and I was told Grace did great today- singing and dancing, and best of all- no problems with sharing!

I also tried out my brand new running shoes. Before this pair, my main criteria for buying athletic shoes was whether it was cute or not. I didn't really care if they were super comfortable because I didn't wear them much anyway. Besides, it was hard to find a pair to fit my wide, huge feet.

My new shoes are definitely not cute. They look like I borrowed Mike's shoes. In fact, during Zumba class, I almost giggled out loud when I saw myself in the mirror, trying to dance all gracefully with clown shoes on my feet. But man, oh man, what a difference they made when I went for a run afterwards. I can't believe how much nicer it was to run when you're wearing shoes that actually fit well. I'm not saying I'm ready to run a marathon or anything, but I could probably manage a mile or two.


Michael said...

That's my granddaughter! Pasta on the Italian part of her mind. Grandpa's going to make fresh pasta for Grace when she is here in September.