Friday, April 1, 2011

I Need Some Privacy

Sharing her lollipop with Fred the Bunny.

Just yesterday Grace was still hiding behind the couch to go number 2 because although she's been doing great with peeing in the potty, she still refused to do anything else.

We had a breakthrough today.

This morning she told me she had to use the potty so off we went. I normally stand there and wait for her to do her thing, but today she told me, "Mama, I need some privacy please."

Amused at her modesty, I turned around and stepped outside the doorway. A minute later she told me she was done and had gone poop in the potty. I thought to myself, yeah right. Happy April Fool's Day to me because there's no way she would have gone after such resistance the past month and a half.

But sure enough, the evidence was there, and she was so proud of herself that she immediately wanted to call her daddy at work to tell him about her accomplishment.

I'm pretty proud of her, too, because today was the first day that she didn't have a single accident.

Even when we went out for pizza tonight, she told me she had to go and she used a public bathroom for the first time. She also narrated every single step in the process for the rest of the ladies in there. Apparently Grace needs privacy from her own mother in her own home, but when she's out in public, it's all good to let everyone else in on her business.


Meagan said...

Whoop!! Potty training is such a pain, glad today was a good one for y'all!

Soooo cute she wanted to call Mike.

Julie, the mama said...

What a great report. Now that she's in the clear, can you come do Boss?

Uncle Josh said...

My niece is growing up soooo fast!A quick suggestion for Boss. Try putting some cheerios in the toilet and telling him to aim for the cheerios!