Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rest for the Princess

I thought runny noses and nagging coughs were behind us for the year since we officially bid farewell to winter a few weeks ago. But Grace and I both have the sniffles and an annoying cough. My poor princess can't ever seem to be free of a cough for longer than a week! I pray that this episode will be over quickly and harmlessly.

We stayed in today to take long naps and get lots of rest. And now I'm off to get a bit more sleep because who knows what the rest of the night will bring. I've already had to rewash her hair and change bed linens once tonight when she got sick from a coughing fit. My nights are usually sleepless when Grace has a cough. I'm hoping tonight will be a good night, though, and my girl will sleep peacefully.


Julie, the mama said...

I can't stand coughs. Bless her precious heart. And yours. Praying daylight brings 100% health to you both!

Meagan said...

Oh goodness. I hope that last night was restful and that she and you are feeling better soon!!