Thursday, April 14, 2011

Augustine Fun Day

Grace spent all day with Grandpa and Grandma and you can bet that included lots of spoiling and doing all of Grace's favorite things. Grace was taken shopping for a gorgeous Easter dress, given a chocolate bunny- and not just any chocolate, Godiva chocolate!, and finally taken to Chuck-a-Cheezus (Chuck E. Cheese).

While Grace was out enjoying herself, I met some friends for lunch. We met in Japan and they all now live here. It was wonderful catching up with great friends.

Grace's runny nose and cough is better today. I think all this pollen is to blame for our troubles. Ruby is no longer a beautiful red color, but is a springtime yellow-green, thanks to all the pollen.

Aunt Megan teaching Grace how to sit like a lady.

I miss these girls, my sweet friends from Yokosuka.


Joannemay Estoesta said...

Cicely, everyone looks great!!! Mel looks so happy!

Meagan said...

What a great day! So glad you got to see a group of Japanland ladies! They look wonderful!

Julie, the mama said...

So, so, so glad y'all are having such a fun time. So deserved.