Wednesday, July 7, 2010

What a Wednesday!

We were completely out of food this morning since I've been putting off a grocery run for the past couple of days. We couldn't even enjoy a bowl of cereal because we didn't have a drop of milk left. So off to Panera's we went for a couple of bagels and a glass of orange juice.

Then we headed to the grocery store where Grace alternated between being an absolute angel whenever there was a sweet older lady around to admire her and being her normal self during shopping trips- demanding to be let "DOWN!" or screaming for random snacks she thinks are in my bag "CWACKA!"(crackers). She has turned into quite a demanding little screamer. I have no idea how it started or where she got it from, but I'm hoping it's a quick phase. I feel my blood pressure rising when she starts screaming her demands. It could be for something as simple as a glass of milk, but it has the same sense of urgency as a 911 call for a heart attack.

On the way home, I saw a sign for the Mayport Base and it made me think of the homecoming that was happening at that very moment for my dear friends, the Baggetts. I unexpectedly burst into tears. They were tears of happiness, of course, but I'm sure I must have looked like a crazy lady doing the ugly cry at a stoplight.

Nellie and I started this journey together- a long deployment with small kids. It was filled with plenty of challenges and moments where we both thought we wouldn't be able to make it to the end, at least not with our sanity intact. Not to mention that we thought baby Deacon wouldn't wait for his daddy since she started having contractions a few days ago. But now her journey is at an end and I am so completely happy for her. And it reminds me that my journey is nearly over as well. I just need to make it through a little while longer before my love and best friend is home.

By the way, Nellie is now in labor and we're expecting Deacon's arrival any moment. Talk about perfect timing!

Grace making up for her demanding ways by helping mama bring in groceries.

I don't know what I'm going to do when blackberries are no longer in season. This girl is addicted to them!

It's a good thing this chair cover is washable. I just didn't think I'd have to be washing it every few days. I suppose it's my fault for not watching more carefully when I give her a bowl of fruit for her snack.


Michael said...

Waiting out a deployment home alone with toddlers will seem like a vacation once you endure a deployment home alone with teenagers. Your husband contributed plenty to Grandma's gray hair during his high school days while Grandpa was deployed.

Grace is such a good little helper! She is growing up way too fast.

We miss you and love you,
Grandma and Grandpa

Julie, the mama said...

So, I had a lot to say but then got to the part about Nellie and now I'm just a teary ol' mess. What a sweet story.

The story about Grace in the grocery store made me laugh out loud. Sooooo familiar!!!

Actually now I am laughing even more after reading the comment from Grandma and Grandpa. Soooo true, I'm sure! :-)