Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Terrific Tuesday

We went rock'n'bowling with the uncles and Grace had a blast dancing to the Chicken Dance, Macarena, and YMCA.

Unfortunately for me, she had as much fun laying around on the dirty floor. It was no use trying to keep her off it though because she would scream and cry if I tried. After a while, I gave up and figured- that's what baths are for.

I had a wives' night out this evening and we had a great time anticipating our husbands' homecoming.

The uncles babysat so I could enjoy my night out. I know I've said this before, but it bears repeating- they are awesome!

It makes my heart happy that even though Grace had a good time hanging with the uncles, she still missed her mama. I missed her too. I rarely leave the house without my girl by my side so it always feels a little strange to be going somewhere solo.


Julie, the mama said...

Your hubby is going to come home to a HOT wife!!! You look AWESOME!!!