Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Getting Close

The first time I went to a family support group meeting many months ago, I thought it would be my first and last time. I didn't find a particularly welcoming vibe and I didn't feel a whole lot of support. But tonight I decided to give it another go, mainly because it really is the LAST meeting and the main topic to be covered was homecoming procedures. Yes, it is finally starting to feel real. We truly are getting close to being with our favorite guy again!

The pictures from today show how Grace eats spaghetti- naked! I learned my lesson the first time she ate spaghetti and she managed to get it on all her clothes, even with a bib. She had a powdered mini donut for dessert and she was quite proud of the mess she was able to make.


Julie, the mama said...

Just seeing the title of your blog got me excited!!! Won't be long...