Saturday, July 24, 2010

Uncles to the Rescue, Part 2

We started off our day with some time at the pool.
And then I dragged the uncles to the outlet malls so they could babysit while I shopped. They were very patient with me as I said 'just one more store' over and over again. Uncle Josh enjoyed having a little pet. The little pet enjoyed pushing her stroller around.
After dinner, we came out to Ruby with a flat tire. Thank goodness the uncles were here because I have no clue what to do about car issues other than call Mike, and obviously, that's not an option. They went right to work and we were able to get back home safe and sound. Uncles to the rescue, for real! They really are the absolute best.


Lola said...

Aw! so proud of my boys! If it happened here in Virginia Beach, they just call "DAD" TO THE RESCUE. Glad you're all having a great time.

Josh said...

We would have handled the flat tire our self. We can do it without Dad. Love you though Dad. <3

Meagan said...

Wow!! How great that they were there? I couldn't change a flat if my life depended on it.

I am JEALOUS of the shopping!!

Julie, the mama said...

Your brothers are the best!