Monday, July 12, 2010

Nothing Much

Nothing much to say today. I worked on planning our Disney vacation and Grace was content to play indoors. Good thing, too, since it was HOT and humid out. The kind of hot and humid where it's hard to take a breath. After a little rain, it was slightly more bearable, so we ran out and got ourselves a little treat- some mango and honeydew frozen yogurt from my new fave, Mochi.

She fell asleep while eating her lunch. I was tempted to just let her sleep in the high chair for fear of her waking up and not going back to sleep if I cleaned her off and transferred her to the crib. But even after the clean up and transfer, she ended up napping for two and a half hours!

This is the girl who broke one of my bowls that I got from Japan. My set of twelve is now a set of eleven. I knew I should've bought a few more as 'replacement' pieces!


Julie, the mama said...

I love Nothing Much days.

Soooo excited about your Disney trip. Y'all are going to have an incredible time. What a fun something to look forward to...hope it makes this last little bit of deployment bearable.

Joannemay Estoesta said...

Julie is STILL there! Get her to buy your replacements!