Thursday, July 22, 2010

One Little Monkey

Jumping on the bed. She doesn't actually know how to jump yet, but she definitely bounces. She's not allowed on the bed unsupervised, but she snuck up there while I was putting clothes away in the drawers and closet. And when she gets caught doing something she's not supposed to, she immediately pretends she's asleep, complete with loud snoring. I don't know where she got the idea that she can't get in trouble if she's asleep, but it's genius! It works like a charm every single time. I end up giggling at her silly antics instead.

This age is a lot of work for a mama, but it's also so much fun!


Still on the bed after I asked her to get down...



Lola said...

Oh, so cuteeeee!!!!

Julie, the mama said...

That is one cute little monkey for sure!