Saturday, July 17, 2010

The First Meeting of the Tri Delta

The Dewey Decimal Dolls (AKA the Tri Delta)

Being a total bookworm, I've always wanted to be in a book club. Not just Oprah's, but a real deal kind where you have regular meetings at fun places. So when I met Liezel and found out she was interested in starting one too, we joined forces and our little book club was born. And I do mean little. It started out with just the two of us, but has now grown to include her sister, Lorelie, and a couple of satellite members- Jojo in San Diego and Julie in Japan.

The first order of business at our meeting tonight was picking a name for our club. 'Book Club' just sounds so dorky and we wanted something a little more sexy and fun. We were supposed to come to the meeting with a few suggestions and then vote on the one we liked the best. I'm terrible at coming up with catchy names so I turned to my husband for some help.

He took my plea for help and ran with it, maybe even taking my need for a sexy name a little too literally. One of his suggestions was 'Novel Nymphos'. That's my husband for ya. Thanks, Babe, but as hilarious as it would be to actually name ourselves that, we could never make reservations at restaurants for the 'Novel Nymphos' without blushing beet red.

Thankfully he also came up with less risqué options, and we especially liked Dewey Decimal Dolls. The old school throwback to the Dewey decimal system made us feel nostalgic and we liked the acronym, DDD, because then we could refer to ourselves as the Tri Delta which makes us sound like a sorority. And when you think of the stereotypical sorority girl, you think of a cute and sexy, fun-loving girl. We thought it was perfect! And it feels so much cooler to say "I'm off to my Tri Delta meeting!" than "I'm off to my book club meeting!" Even though they're one and the same, which one sounds like more fun?

I was in charge of the first book selection and meeting venue. I chose "Little Bee" and the Cheesecake Factory. I didn't realize when I picked the book that I was dooming us to such a depressing read, but it did make for an interesting discussion. And the cheesecake that I made sure to save room for was a delicious ending to our first meeting. Can't wait for Tri Delta's next gathering! (See, doesn't it sound like I'm such a party girl, instead of the nerd that I really am?)

While I was out with the Tri Delta's, Grace had movie night at the babysitter's. Here she is, my dancing doll, before we went out for the evening.