Sunday, July 31, 2011

Relaxing Sunday

I was such a sleepyhead this morning I thought we wouldn't make it to church on time. But it helps to have a husband around who will get up with our child, make her breakfast, and get her ready so that all I have to do is take care of myself. That, and I didn't do my hair this morning. I had to forgo the straightener or curling iron and head out the door all natural, meaning a wavy frizzy mess. Still, we made it and that's the most important thing.

Grace was a handful at church, trying to crawl under the pews and talking loudly at inappropriate times. She even had to be taken into the cry room a couple of times when the whining got out of control.

She saved herself with her love for Baby Jesus. There's a statue at the front of church of Baby Jesus in his mother's arms. When we go up for communion, she never fails to pause and wave at him. Then after Mass, she lights a candle, with help from me or Mike, and kneels down to pray in front of the statue. Grace is building a little fan base of some of the parishioners who know her as the baby who loves Baby Jesus.

After church, I threw together some stuff and made lunch and then the three of us took long afternoon naps. Then it was a quick trip to Chuck E. Cheese which, thankfully, wasn't very crowded for a weekend. We finished the day off with some time at the pool.

It was a wonderful, relaxing Sunday.


Meagan said...

What a great family picture!

Julie, the mama said...

I mean, how stinkin' cute is that family picture??? LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!