Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Kind of the Wrong Way

My girl kept me laughing all day long. In the morning, after a potty break, she waddled up to me and said, "Mama, I need some help. It's kind of the wrong way!"
Then in the afternoon, we decided to experiment and whipped up some strawberry cream cheese frosting. Grace was helping me put ingredients in the mixer and turning it on. She turned on the mixer a little too quickly and we both were dusted in powdered sugar. The giggle fit that ensued lasted a long, long time.
At dinner, sneaky girl tried to outsmart me. I have been trying to stress the importance of trying new foods before flat out refusing to eat them. To encourage (bribe) her even more, I promised her she could have a cupcake for dessert if she ate her dinner, which included a couple of new items. She was still being a bit hesitant. Finally, she agreed to take a bite of her pork chop. After chewing for a few seconds, she said she didn't want it and asked to spit it out. I let her and then praised her for at least trying something new. Without skipping a beat, she asked, "Can I have my cupcake now?"


Julie, the mama said...

Oh, how I love me some Grace stories. And the pictures of that precious girl, of course.

Michael said...

Absolutely hilarious!