Saturday, July 30, 2011

National Cheesecake Day

This family likes dessert. So imagine our delight when we went to Cheesecake Factory for dinner and found out it was National Cheesecake Day so all the cheesecake was half price!

We can also be a bit excessive when it comes to indulging our sweet tooth. So we ordered not one, not two, not three, but four cheesecakes.

When one of the servers came to bring it out, he mistakenly went to another table first that had a family of six because, surely, the order of four cheesecakes to go could not be for our table that only had two adults and a little toddler.

What can I say? We love us some cheesecake! Honestly though, I was only going to order one, but Mike convinced me to order more so we could have some tomorrow, too. I couldn't refuse him after he worked so diligently on his honey-do list today and then treated us to dinner so I could have a night off cooking.


Julie, the mama said...

You lost me at FOUR cheesecakes. Don't know if I'll be able to stop thinking about them until I hit the Cheesecake Factory myself.

Y'all do such fun family things. I always love reading about your adventures.

Aunt Megan said...

Aw darn, we missed National Cheesecake Day! I was just there last night!

Meagan said...

I'm driving to the mall tomorrow for Cheesecake. When Anthony asks about the enormous bill K and I racked up at the Cheesecake Factory I'll send him a link to this post. Yummy!

Grace looks just adorable in that pic with her daddy.