Thursday, July 7, 2011

I Can Close Two Eyes

I'm more functional now than I was a couple of days ago, but I'm still not feeling a hundred percent so poor Grace was stuck inside with me for another day.

I tried to take advantage of a day inside by washing the bed linens, vacuuming the rugs and other little chores. I also managed to cook lunch and dinner. I couldn't eat lunch, but by dinner, I was feeling well enough to eat again.

Grace kept herself busy with her books and Little People figurines. She also tried to learn the art of winking. I demonstrated for her and instructed her to close one eye. When I asked her if she could do it, too, she stared at me for a second and then said, "No, but I can close two eyes! See, Mama?"


Meagan said...

Kids crack me up when they learn to wink! Hope you get better soon!!