Wednesday, March 23, 2011

To Cut or Not to Cut

I have a dilemma. Nothing major. Just trying to decide whether or not I should get Grace's hair cut. As her hair has grown longer, it's starting to get a bit of a wave. Frankly, I'm shocked it's not curlier considering her daddy's hair and my mess of half straight, half wavy.

On the one hand, I'd like to see what it would look like long and cascading down her back. On the other hand, her hair twirling habit makes for some incredible knots sometimes. I'm also a little afraid that long hair will make her look even more like a little girl and less like my little baby. And I absolutely can't have that.

I guess I'll just wait and see what happens to it when the full on humidity of a Florida summer arrives.

Our morning was spent running errands and our afternoon was spent in the kitchen trying very hard to whip up some gourmet cupcakes. I'm in charge of bringing cupcakes to an upcoming baby shower. I would buy it from my favorite bakery, but they don't offer discounts, even if I buy a bunch of them, which puts it out of reach to stay within our budget.

I figured, I could probably try to make something and get a lot more for the money. Shoot, I worked at a bakery all through high school! How hard can this be?

It's a good thing it's still a week away and I have some time to practice. Maybe those gourmet cupcake bakeries charge $3 a cupcake for a reason. The cake part was okay; I need to perfect the icing. If anyone has a good vanilla and/or chocolate buttercream icing recipe they wouldn't mind sharing, please send it my way....

Thankfully, Grace isn't very picky (when it comes to sweet treats) and she enjoyed being my little taste tester. I got her to eat most of her dinner, one bite at a time, by alternating it with a bite of cake. A little food trickery for my picky eater!


Meagan said...

I LOVE baking! I have seriously thought about opening up a shop for cupcakes & cookies one day. I bet you will make some amazing cakes! I want to see pictures!

I love Grace's hair! But I hear ya on the tangles. Krista had a bob until she was 6. Much like LL's. I loved that bob, I miss it. Girls got hair to her elbows now and refuses to do anything but trim it. No matter what you decide to do Grace will be just darling, especially in all those cutie summer dresses!!

Julie, the mama said...

I'm jealous you even have that option with Grace's hair. LL's is so thin that the bob is the only way she can wear her hair. I am secretly hoping Bebe's will be thick so I can at least let it grow long enough for pigtails!

LOVE G's dress. That color is gorgeous on her.

Nellie said...

she's so beautiful! i agree, love the color on her! eli (ahem, i know, a boy..) was well over two when i finally held my breath and took his curly head for a teeny tiny trim.

it's hair; it grows back! to be honest, he's only had two or three cuts because i prefer his longer. it's mamma preference for a while!

i have a fabulous butter cream recipe that pipes fantastically. no one is looking so you can run to publix and order some!!! i made a cake just two weeks after D was born and just had to use publix BC. no one noticed!!!